Fumbi Custom



Choose your favorite cryptocurrency

The cryptocurrencies you invest in through Custom are securely stored through the Fireblocks platform. Currently available cryptocurrencies in Custom are:

  • btcBitcoin
  • ethEthereum
  • adaCardano
  • dotPolkadot
  • avaxAvalanche
  •   Cosmos
  •   Solana
  •  Polygon
  •   Chainlink
  •  The Graph
  •   Binance Coin

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Cryptocurrencies Without Worries



Maximum Security

We store all cryptocurrencies through the Fireblocks, one of the world’s best and most secure cryptocurrency storage options.



Fumbi Algorithm

Our Fumbi Algorithm intelligently manages your investment and allocates it to a dynamic portfolio of top vetted cryptocurrencies.



Clear Profile

You can monitor the development of your investment in a clear profile. You can easily make a deposit or a withdrawal.



Top Cryptocurrencies

In the portfolio you will find only the top proven cryptocurrencies that meet our high standards.



Direct Ownership

Fumbi only acts as an administrator, all cryptocurrencies are owned directly by you.



An Opportunity for Everyone

We are trusted by small, medium and large investors. You can invest in the Fumbi Index Portfolio from €50.

Investment strategies

How to invest in crypto

One-off investment

If you have decided that now is the right time to invest in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, then you can do so with a single deposit to buy an entire cryptoasset portfolio. The average one-time investment of our users is €1,000, but you can invest from €50.

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Regular investment

You can set up a monthly standing order or repeat the deposit at your bank whenever it suits you. Recurring monthly deposits is an intelligent investment strategy that averages the risk of a badly timed purchase.

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